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Lion heraldry
From Middle-age to nowaday

Every army in history needed a way to distinguish it from the enemy. This was accomplished by markings on clothing, helmets, armor, or shields that set one army apart from the other. Distinctive colors and symbols were used so that the combatants could easily tell friend from foe in the heat of battle. They could also advertise rank and were a way of boasting about identity- one's homeland, ancestry and exploits. The Greeks often bore images of animals on their shields to identify their home city state. The Athenians bore an owl, the Thebans a sphynx, and so on…

Discover how armorial were created

The shield, or escutcheon as it is also known, has a surface area called a field and it is the central area on which symbols and figures are painted that represents a coat of arms. In some cases, people today referred to coat of arms as a family crest. You can select any shape that you wish for your shield, but bear in mind ...

Understand your blazon and know more about the charges meanings

Heraldry evolved in 12th-century Western Europe, probably in response to the growing difficulty of recognising men in armour as that armour became heavier and more enveloping ...

Master the psychology of values

In the vast tapestry of human existence, individuals are not solely shaped by their psychological traits but also by the profound influence of their values. Values serve as the guiding principles that anchor our beliefs, actions, and ultimately, our identities. Visit our glossary of values, and see which ones apply to you or the people around you.