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The Hippocampus, a combined word for horse and sea monster as the Greeks called the adorable little seahorse, is a creature of myth and fantasy. It does have the equine features, but got its "monster" moniker from the bony body and two eyes that can look in different directions at the same time! Interestingly, the human brain's memory location is also called the "hippocampus" and because of this the seahorse is associated with creativity. Poseidon, god of the seas, rides on a sea horse drawn carriage and this creature has become through the ages, a symbol of good luck for sailors. It is also a symbol of transformation, guidance, and strength since it can blend into its surroundings like a chameleon. Past civilizations have revered this sea creature because of its therapeutic magical and mystical powers and many images of this animal are on ancient Greek and Roman temples and baths. Often, charms have been made of the seahorse honoring fatherhood because it is the male of the species that gives birth to the young.