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The ram occurs frequently as a charge in both French and English coats of arms, as well as the ram's head. It symbolized spiritual leadership, authority, fortitude and self-sacrifice.


In ancient Egypt, the ram was worshipped in the form of Khnum, a water god associated with fertility. Khnum ensured that the banks of the Nile river were fertile and able to produce good-quality crops.


In both pagan and Christian contexts, the ram is an object of sacrifice. Hermes Kriophoros (ram-bearer) commemorates the sacrifice of a ram. In Genesis 22:13 of the Christian bible Abraham sees a ram caught in a thicket and sacrifices it instead of his son.


The ram could be named for the Greek word for `Mars' from which the word `male' is derived. The animal is strong, forceful, energetic, and willful - traits that are typically emblematic of masculinity and virility.

ram is also a symbol of authority, resilience, leadership.